Tag Archives: designer fabrics

Did You Know Quilting is Good for Your Health?

26 Mar

Besides being fun, participating in an art such as quilting can also be therapeutic and good for your health. Have you ever “lost yourself in your work” while quilting? The calming rhythms of quilt making allow us to process life’s challenges and listen to our inner thoughts in order solve our problems or do some planning.

In hospitals across the U. S. there is a recent movement to include art as part of the healing process. There are reports that quilting and other forms of art and creative processes allow patients to relax and heal more quickly.  Quilting also prevents illness and disease.

Other health benefits of quilting include lowering your heart rate and blood pressure, and helping you sleep better. Quilter reportedly contract fewer colds and flu, faster healing of wounds, and promotes the reduction of daily stress to the mind and body.

So the next time you’re feeling stressed or a little down, pick up a creative hobby—like quilting! It will cheer you up and you’ll have the benefit of having something to show for it, too!
